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Two Stars, Two Songs — Two Triumphs.

Author: Crispin Oduobuk Two Stars, Two Songs — Two Triumphs By Crispin Oduobuk (@Cris_Odu) Celebrating Prince Nico Mbarga's "Sweet Mother" and Oliver De Coque's "Identity" - old songs sure to outlive us. Most days when your correspondent wakes up, he wakes with a song on his mind. On the way to work, he often turns up the music really loud since the car is one of the few places where he can be absolutely alone for a bit of time. Of course, even if you’re a huge music fan like me, there are times you want dead space silence so you can hear clearly all the angels and demons warring in your head, in rapid turns speaking truth and lying to you that you’re a failure; hell no, you’re doing okay, you only need to keep striving harder, digging deeper, and keep pounding that keyboard since writing is the one thing you love unconditionally, regardless of how it all turns out. And then there are those other times when you need the i